Find your partners in the wind turbine recycling sector

Find state of the art technologies for wind turbine recycling

Find the best tools for transitioning to circular business models

Welcome to the 
Circular Wind Knowlegde Hub

On this platform, you can gain knowledge on how to transition towards a circular wind industry

Whether you’re involved in business, policy, or academia—and whether your focus is on wind energy production, industrial recycling, composite manufacturing, or turbine construction and decommissioning—this platform connects you with new partners, cutting-edge innovations, and smart tools to support your journey toward a 100% circular European wind industry.

Our Knowledge Hub features three key components:

  1. Matchmaking Tool – Connect with stakeholders across Europe involved in wind turbine recycling.
  2. Recycling Technologies Database – Explore the latest technological advancements driving the circular wind industry.
  3. Transition Support Tools – Access best practices, decision-support systems, cost-benefit assessments, and other resources to help transition to circular business models.

This digital platform is part of EoLO-HUBs, a HORIZON-funded initiative by the European Union. EoLO-HUBs is committed to advancing a fully circular wind industry by developing new decommissioning and recycling technologies for wind turbine blades. The platform also serves as a connection hub, fostering collaboration and the growth of regional supply chains focused on turbine recycling.

EoLO-HUBs brings together 17 partners from across Europe (NL, GB, DE, SP, FR, IT), working on scientific research, technological innovation, and building an open network to share expertise on Wind Turbine Blade (WTB) Recycling.

Circular Technologies

On this page, you’ll find an overview of cutting-edge technologies and innovations in wind turbine blade recycling. Explore smart decommissioning processes, including blade inspection, cutting, and shredding; carbon and glass fiber recovery through low-carbon pyrolysis and green chemistry solvolysis; and methods for enhancing recovered fibers to make them suitable for reuse.


Smart decommissioning  processes, including blade inspection, cutting, and shredding


Recovering fibers from WTB composite material by green chemistry solvolysis & low-carbon pyrolysis

Processing of recycled material

Methods for enhancing recovered fibers  to make them suitable for reuse

Transition Support Database

This page offers a range of tools to help you and your organization transition to circular business models. Discover frameworks to identify challenges and opportunities specific to your context, decision-making tools to guide your next steps, cost-benefit assessment tools, and more.

Rules and regulations help shape our world. Behaviour and technologies that help shape the world to our liking will receive supportive policies such as subsidies. And behaviour and technologies that are not helping with this will receive discouraging policies such as bans.
The University of Leeds developed a decision-making framework for the preparation of regional business strategies for circular economy solutions for wind turbines. Here we give you a first insight into this framework, and will continue to update you on further developments during the EoLO HUBs project. The research will result in a final step-by-step guide for people in economic development and business who are interested in establishing a circular economy for the wind industry.
If we asked a little kid to draw up a landscape, we would probably spot them in there: turning wind turbines on green grass or in the blue sea. In the last decade the number of wind farms increased significantly, while one question remained rather unanswered: What to do with wind turbines after their end of life? What happens with those that must be decommissioned after 20-25 years of lifetime? Will this little kid draw the same picture in a few years’ time with still standing wind farms all over the place or can we find another solution for it?